Advanced Biofilm Imaging Facility @ SCELSE


Advanced Biofilm Imaging Facility (ABIF) at SCELSE supports interdisciplinary research on environmental, life sciences and engineered biofilms and microbiomes conducted by SCELSE researchers. However, since our microscopes can address a broad range of research topics in non-microbial life and materials sciences, ABIF is open to external users as well. ABIF as a part of NTU Optical Bio-Imaging Centre (NOBIC) benefits from the comprehensive optical imaging expertise of NOBIC team.

If you are interested in using ABIF, kindly refer to information for NOBIC facilities users and ABIF price list. SCELSE researchers, students and collaborators can apply for card access to the facility after completing appropriate training. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can help you with your imaging experiments. You can reach us by email: nobic.facilities[..] or abif[..] and find us at SCELSE at NTU main campus.

Important Notes:

When using the facility, kindly adhere to these essential guidelines.

When publishing (in the form of journal articles, talks, posters, social media posts etc.) any images obtained at ABIF and/or any results derived from those images, kindly acknowledge the facility. Suggested acknowledgment text follows:

"Microscopy images were acquired at NTU Optical Bio-Imaging Centre (NOBIC) imaging facilities at SCELSE."

In case ABIF staff assisted you in your experiment or image processing and analysis, kindly add:

"Assistance of NOBIC staff with image acquisition* / processing* / analysis* is acknowledged." (*select whichever applies)

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need advice on describing the microscopy experiment in Materials & Methods (or analogous) section of your manuscript to ensure the description contains all details needed to reproduce the experiment.


Our facility is equipped with the following microscopes:

And related IT infrastructure: